Wow! 2010 was quite a year! Had a baby girl, finally got my portfolio in order,
Illuxcon just to name a few things. Here's the final drawing calling for some paint - 15" x 20" on gessoed illustration board. Took a while to create the reference maquettes but as always, it's worth the time and effort. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm gearing this piece (& the next several) towards companies that I'd enjoy working with. This will be in Oil. New year, new piece and it looks like on Saturday, a new age. Yikes! Good excuse to party :) Below are the mountains I created out of clay to use as reference.

The rocky maquettes after playing with the color, pushing it closer to my vision.

The original layout on tissue paper over a glass table, lit beneath with a flashlight and a simple lamp off to the right. Happy New Year!