My Vrock reference maquette out of the oven and ready for paint. Finally getting around to posting some photos and info.

A close up shot of a section of my current commission in progress on canvas.

After the acrylic paint, I varnished some areas and took some photos for reference and for the blog.

The Vrock body. It is picture hanging wire twisted together and foil underneath the clay. I came up with the idea of leaving the joints exposed so I could maneuver the limbs. It's around a foot tall. There's more than one Vrock in the painting so instead of constructing a few small models, I built one that could move into different positions. I also made separate hands and claws. Crude but it'll serve its purpose. The scene takes place in a small cavern so I built extremely small stalactites and stalagmites out of clay as well. I'm finishing up the drawing and plan to post a photo early next week. Long process but it'll help the painting in the end.